Unknown Component

Received request from Uniform to render a component with the public ID: articleHero.

<UniformComposition /> does not have articleHero mapped to a React component yet.

To teach your app how to render this component:

  • Create a React component and register it with Uniform, for example
    function ArticleHero() {
      return (
    registerUniformComponent({ type: "articleHero", component: ArticleHero })
    Props that your React component will receive
      "component": {
        "type": "articleHero",
        "parameters": {}
  • Import the component into the file where <UniformComposition /> is defined, for example
    import "../components/ArticleHero.tsx"

Need more help? Check out the documentation.

Unknown Component

Received request from Uniform to render a component with the public ID: articleBody.

<UniformComposition /> does not have articleBody mapped to a React component yet.

To teach your app how to render this component:

  • Create a React component and register it with Uniform, for example
    function ArticleBody() {
      return (
    registerUniformComponent({ type: "articleBody", component: ArticleBody })
    Props that your React component will receive
      "component": {
        "type": "articleBody",
        "parameters": {}
  • Import the component into the file where <UniformComposition /> is defined, for example
    import "../components/ArticleBody.tsx"

Need more help? Check out the documentation.


Unable to find Uniform Context. Ensure the devtools plugin is activated.

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