From dream to reality: How to plan your re-side

This step-by-step guide is your roadmap to the re-side process. Creating your design, choosing materials, hiring a pro—it’s all covered here. Toggle the tabs below to explore each chapter of the re-side process.

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                                          "content": [
                                              "data": {},
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                                              "value": "In 20 years you will say to yourself, ‘I made the right decision. I got the right product. I hired the right company.’",
                                              "nodeType": "text"
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                                      "nodeType": "document"
                                    "attribution": " Terry Stamman, Twin Cities Siding Professionals",
                                    "author": {
                                      "sys": {
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                                        "createdAt": "2024-03-15T18:16:40.454Z",
                                        "updatedAt": "2024-03-15T18:16:40.454Z",
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                                      "fields": {
                                        "entryTitle": "Terry Stamman",
                                        "name": "Terry Stamman",
                                        "authorTitle": "Owner of Twin Cities Siding Professionals"
                                      "metadata": {
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                                  "metadata": {
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  • Import the component into the file where <UniformComposition /> is defined, for example
    import "../components/TabsContainer.tsx"

Need more help? Check out the documentation.

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Kick off your siding project today by sharing your vision and discussing the re-side process with a local pro.

Unknown Component

Received request from Uniform to render a component with the public ID: disclaimerText.

<UniformComposition /> does not have disclaimerText mapped to a React component yet.

To teach your app how to render this component:

  • Create a React component and register it with Uniform, for example
    function DisclaimerText({ text, theme }) {
      return (
    registerUniformComponent({ type: "disclaimerText", component: DisclaimerText })
    Props that your React component will receive
      "text": "Hover is a registered trademark of Hover Inc",
      "theme": "dark",
      "component": {
        "type": "disclaimerText",
        "parameters": {
          "text": {
            "type": "text",
            "value": "Hover is a registered trademark of Hover Inc"
          "theme": {
            "type": "select",
            "value": "dark"
  • Import the component into the file where <UniformComposition /> is defined, for example
    import "../components/DisclaimerText.tsx"

Need more help? Check out the documentation.

Unable to find Uniform Context. Ensure the devtools plugin is activated.

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